Thursday, 23 January 2020

51 - Tech

Another thing I think about from time to time is the march of technology; I look back at what I had as a teenager - say in 1989 - and how much things have developed. At that time the Nintendo Gameboy was being released over in Japan, and the UK computer magazines like C&VG were talking about it (it would be 1990 before they were out here).

Compare the Gameboy with its closest real equivalents today - smartphones - and they are poles apart. The Gameboy, running off 4 AA batteries, had a 4-tone black/greyscale LCD screen, and played games off a cartridge. No internet connection then to download games.

But it was great. 

To be able to play decent games out and about wherever you wanted was just so liberating, and if the batteries ran out you just needed to chuck some more AAs in an continue And they lasted a fair while. 

It was the start of the path that would lead us to the smartphones of today. Then they would have seemed like futuristic things more suited to science fiction that from the real world just a few years later. I mean, at the time Star Trek; The Next Generation has started and one of their hi-tech devices was a "Padd", which was essentially an iPad ahead of its time. 

This then has to lead to the question... if we've gone from a Gameboy to an iPhone over this time; what do the next thirty or so years hold? What will the tech look like in 2050.

I'd attempt to make a prediction, but I suspect the people of 2050, should they look back and read this blog (ha!) would just laugh... 

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