Tuesday, 21 January 2020

49 - Flamin'

Of course, having signed up to Amazon Prime, whilst waiting for Picard to start I thought I'd have a gander at seeing exactly what exciting new stuff is on there. what new 21st century works of art there may be, but oh, what's that?

The first 200 episodes of Home and Away.

I just couldn't resist starting it. There's little I remember of the early days - just the occasional bit here and there. Alf shouting "Flamin' kids!" is the most abiding memory. 

So, rather than the exciting new stuff I think these 200 episodes will be the first thing I end up seeing - with a weekly interruption for Jean-Luc Picard.

I wonder how far in to it 200 episodes will be? How many of the original 6 kids will still be in it? How many times will Alf have used the words "flamin'" or "malarkey"? And how many times in the same sentence? 

I guess this also ties in with the 1989 post the other day about nostalgia as H&A debuted in the UK in early 1989, so I'd have seen all these episodes in that year. They say don't mistake coincidence for fate, but... sometimes it's hard no to. Sometimes these things from the past take you away to a special place and remind you of things long since gone. It feels comfortable, and safe. It's hindsight in action as I'm quite sure 1989 didn't feel safe...

But it does make me smile to watch it...

Also, I also wonder from watching the 90 minute pilot episode whether there were some details they hadn't decided up; here Fisher is the interfering next door neighbour and absolutely no mention is made of him being the headmaster of the local school. You'd think there would have been. Was this a change they made once the show got the go ahead to start? 

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