There is an increasing amount of vegetarian or vegan options in various outlets at the moment, whether it's KFC with its Quorn burger, or Greggs with the sausage rolls and steak bakes; and don't you just think that every time Piers Morgan slates their vegan options, they must rub their hands with glee at all the free publicity he hands them. Sales must shoot up. Almost makes you think he's got shares in them, or something!
[NB, for the lawyers; Piers Morgan does not have shares in Greggs.That was a joke.]
And now Burger King are getting in on the act with their Rebel Whopper Burger. A soy based burger, with all the lovely salady accoutrements, in a toasted sesame seed bun. A treat that on the face of it sounds like a corker of a vegetarian option...
...yet despite not containing a single meat based ingredient, the Rebel Whopper Burger is not suitable for vegetarians... why?
Because the numpties are cooking it using the same equipment as their meaty burgers so all the meat juice and fat and so on from these will seep in to the veggie burger.
I mean, why? This is stupidity of a monumental nature. Cook the blimmin things apart from each other. Make adjustments to your cooking equipment to ensure that one cannot cross-contaminate the other. It's not rocket science.
But, no. They just don't bother to do that, and thus ensure that any vegetarian that might have wanted to try one won't bother now as the meaty contamiments introduced in the cooking process make it totally unsuitable.
There's no logic there at all. Might as well have not bothered with it. It's totally pointless.
'Cos the thing is I may have been tempted away from McDonalds for this, as I'm getting a little bored of their very limited vegetarian options (all variations on coated bean chunks), but now... well, it ain't gonna happen.
Hey... maybe McDonald's will eventually give us a vegetarian Big Mac...
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