Saturday 12 November 2016

9 - Decisions.

One of the things I like in fiction is how small decisions can have big consequences. Especially when they are decisions that seem inconsequential, and the subsequent consequences are completely unpredictable, yet completely logical.

I mean, take a look at an often quoted decision in Star Wars. Near the start of the first film (that is, the first one made; not episode 1) an escape pod is jettisoned from the captured Tantive IV. Someone on the Star Destroyer holding the ship orders his lackeys not to fire as there are no signs of life.

That escape pod, of course, held C3P0 and R2D2; the latter of which held the plans to the Death Star. In choosing not to shoot down that escape pod, a chain of events was set in motion that led to the destruction of the Death Star and the eventual downfall of the Empire.

Had that escape pod been destroyed, none of that could have happened, and the Empire would probably have been in charge for a heck of a lot longer...

And things can work like this is real life as well. From a personal perspective, I made an inconsequential decision back in January 1998. At least, that's the way it seemed. However, that decision put me on a path that took me to where I am now. I do sometimes wonder what would have happened had I not made that decision. The places I'd have gone. Or not gone. The people I'd never have met. And the people who'd never have been born.

Back then. January 1998. I was in a rut. I needed change, but I had no idea how to go about it. Nothing I was doing was changing anything. But then, slowly, over the year, events brought about by that small decision, changed everything...

And now I feel in a rut again. I need change. I know the things I need to change, and some ways I think I should use to effect a change. But it doesn't seem to be working.

What I need is that small decision... and then everything will be alright. 

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