Wednesday, 2 November 2016

4 - Messages.

Continuing on from the previous post, another thing that gets my goat about online dating is messaging. At times.

If it's a site like OkCupid or Plenty of Fish where you can send a message to pretty much anyone, to not get a reply isn't unexpected, and to get one message back for every ten first messages sent wouldn't be too bad a ratio. I suspect my actual ratio is somewhat lower.

But for places like Tinder or Bumble, where you can only exchange messages once you've both “liked” each other, to not reply to a message seems odd. I mean, if you had no intention of messaging or anything why “like” in the first place. I guess I could appreciate it if it were only a few times this happens, but it seems to be the norm.

Maybe I'm unusual. Maybe I'm a rare person that only swipes right if I really would send a message to the person. But to me that seems to be a logical thing to do. Why swipe right if you don't have any intention of following it up?

Ah, well... 

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