Sunday, 18 April 2021

191 - Hundred

 So,  mentioned a while back about starting to watch the occasional bit of cricket during the pandemic era... and I expect I will continue to do so, and maybe actually get around to watching a match or two.

And apparently there's a new format of the game coming, based around each team having a limited number of bowls per innings - 100. 

Now, call me a cynic, but I can't see the point of this at all. Whilst I can understand why someone might not want to watch a match lasting five days ending in a draw, I can't see the need for a 100 bowls per side match.

I mean, there's already the T20 matches, where 20 overs - a total of 120 bowls - are played per side. Are there really any people out there who will be thinking "Oh, I couldn't sit through 120 a side, but 100... yeah, that sounds fine."

It just seems superfluous. 

And there's also even shorter formats anyway; there are tournaments with 60 bowls a side. 10 overs. The ones I've seen of these are quite exciting; proper attacking play.

Oh, and that's another thing; this hundred thing is doing away with 6 bowl overs and are having some kind of 10 bowl equivalent. 

Hmm. I dunno...

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