Sunday, 29 November 2020

83 - Numbering

 Now I am sure those among you who have been paying attention will notice that every post on this blog is numbered, and that today's is #83, and the previous post was #81. So. Where is post #82?

Well... I was looking through my post list on the dashboard of the site and saw that the post count after #81 was 83 posts. Now, this post count includes unpublished drafts, and there is an unpublished draft from a little while back that never saw light of day. It's called "Manifesto", and one day should I summon up the energy to finish it, it'll be published. 

But that still left a post unaccounted for as there was definitely only the one draft... so, looking back through the blog I happened to realise that a little while back I gave two posts the same number... see if you can find which two...

So, I had two choices; go back and revise all the post numbers from that point, or skip the #82 so that the total number of published posts matches the current post number. 

You can see what I've chosen to do. 

Hopefully, there will be no further duplications...!

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