Sunday, 31 May 2020

77 - Cummings

Perhaps Dominic Cummings has been cleverer than many think during all this hoo-ha about him allegedly breaking the quarantine. After all, it is known that he is quite the strategist, and is adept at coming up with techniques to ensure certain outcomes are what happens.

Picture this scenario…

Imagine a situation where the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, wants a way to relax the lockdown greatly, but knows that politically it’s not the right time. So., he needs a way to get more people out and about but can’t do things officially too soon.

Enter Dominic Cummings and his trip up north…

[I’ll not go in to all the details; they’re all out there…]

Now, Cummings could have fallen on his sword, and apologized profusely, and begged forgiveness. But he didn’t. He’s riding it out. Boris isn’t sacking him. And there’s outrage amongst a lot of the country.

Outrage that is manifesting itself by many people thinking that if the rules aren’t applying to Cummings then they’re not applying to them. This is, therefore, leading to an increase in people flouting the lockdown. You can see the footage and photos.

So, Boris effectively gets much of the lockdown relaxed, albeit unofficially.

And when there’s a second peak he can just turn around and say that people shouldn’t have ignored the lockdown. For him, it’s a win-win situation. And you can bet Cummings had a hand in guiding it…

Oh, such an imagination I have…

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