I need to try to ensure I post more often in the new year in this blog. Often I'll have ideas for a post, but because I don't write it down, it ends up getting lost in the ether of the my terrible memory, only coming back days later when either it's not relevant any more, or I've lost the impetus to write it.
This year, I tried to write a post a day, but this fizzled out in mid-February when I missed a day, and my enthusiasm popped like a bursting balloon when the streak had ended. I'll try to do the same next year, but without the giving up bit if I miss a day. Maybe I should aim for a number of blog posts over the course of the year instead? Maybe say that by the end of next year I'll be up to 300 posts? That'll be just over 200 in a year, which is more than I've ever written in a year. And whilst I can still aspire to a post a day, if I miss some days as long as I stay on track to get to #300 by the end of the year I'll not get too disheartened.
I think I like the idea...